Ability: Slumber - If a Pokemon hit Cluny it is now asleep
Gender Rate: Male 0% Female 0%
Egg Group: Fairy
EXP for L100: 600,000
Steps to Hatch: 20,480
Base Happiness: 70
Catch Rate: 3
Species: Sweet Dream Pokémon
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 0.7 lbs
Color: White
Base stats: 80 Hp 80 Atk 80 Def 80 spe 80 Sp Def 80 Sp Atk
Evolution Line: This pokémon does not evolve
Pokédex Entry: CLUNY travel through the
skis at night seeking out any who sleep. Those who come in contact with
CLUNY are said to be educed in a deep, peaceful slumber.
Where to find: Canyon City Mountain tops
Night 63%
Move List:
Good Night Kiss - Heals (only allied) Pokémon by 50% of its max hp, but causes it to fall asleep
Agility 30 -- -- Relaxes the body to sharply boost SPEED.
Amnesia 20 -- -- Forgets about something and sharply raises SP. DEF.
Barrier 30 -- -- Creates a barrier that sharply raises DEFENSE.
Calm Mind 20 -- -- Raises SP. ATK and SP. DEF by focusing the mind.
Confusion 25 50 100 A psychic attack that may cause confusion.
Cosmic Power 20 -- -- Raises DEFENSE and SP. DEF with a mystic power.
Dream Eater 15 100 100 Takes one half the damage inflicted on a sleeping foe.
Extrasensory 30 80 100 Attacks with a peculiar power. May cause flinching.
Future Sight 15 80 90 Heightens inner power to strike 2 turns later.
Gravity 5 -- -- Disables moves that fly or levitate in 5 turns
Guard Swap 10 -- -- Swarps DEFENSE and SP.DEF with target
Heal Block 15 -- 100 Foe is unable to restore HP in 5 turns
Healing Wish 10 -- -- If user faints, recovers HP and removes status effects of next Pokémon
Heart Swap 10 -- -- Swaps altered stats with foe
Hypnosis 20 -- 70 A hypnotizing move that may induce sleep.
Imprison 10 -- -- Prevents foes from using moves known by the user.
Kinesis 15 -- 80 Distracts the foe. May lower accuracy.
Light Screen 30 -- -- Creates a wall of light that lowers SP. ATK damage.
Lunar Dance 10 -- -- User Faints. Completely Heals Next Released Pokémon
Luster Purge 5 70 100 Attacks with a burst of light. May lower SP. DEF.
Magic Coat 15 -- -- Reflects special effects back to the attacker.
Meditate 40 -- -- Meditates in a peaceful fashion to raise ATTACK.
Miracle Eye 40 -- -- Removes dark type's psychic immunity and resets foe's evasiveness
Mirror Coat 20 -- 100 Counters the foe's special attack at double the power.
Mist Ball 5 70 100 Attacks with a flurry of down. May lower SP. ATK.
Power Swap 10 -- -- Swaps ATTACK and SP.ATT with target
Power Trick 10 -- -- Swaps user's own ATTACK and DEFENSE
Psybeam 20 65 100 Fires a peculiar ray that may confuse the foe.
Psychic 10 90 100 A powerful psychic attack that may lower SP. DEF.
Psycho Boost 5 140 90 Allows a full-power attack, but sharply lowers SP. ATK.
Psycho Cut 20 70 100 high critical hit ratio
Psycho Shift 10 -- 90 Shifts status effect to target
Psywave 15 -- 80 Attacks with a psychic wave of varying intensity.
Reflect 20 -- -- Creates a wall of light that weakens physical attacks.
Rest 10 -- -- The user sleeps for 2 turns, restoring HP and status.
Role Play 10 -- -- Mimics the target and copies its special ability.
Skill Swap 10 -- -- The user swaps special abilities with the target.
Teleport 20 -- -- A psychic move for fleeing from battle instantly.
Trick 10 -- 100 Tricks the foe into trading held items.
Trick Room 5 -- -- Slower Pokémon attacks first in 5 turns
Zen Headbutt 15 80 90 May cause foe to flinch
Aerial Ace 20 60 -- An extremely speedy and unavoidable attack.
Aeroblast 5 100 95 Launches a vacuumed blast. High critical-hit ratio.
Air Cutter 25 55 95 Hacks with razorlike wind. High critical-hit ratio.
Air Slash 20 75 95 May cause opponent to flinch
Bounce 5 85 85 Bounces up, then down the next turn. May paralyze.
Brave Bird 15 120 100 User takes recoil damage
Chatter 20 60 100 Confuses foe
Defog 15 -- -- Lowers foe's evasiveness
Drill Peck 20 80 100 A corkscrewing attack with the beak acting as a drill.
Featherdance 15 -- 100 Envelops the foe with down to sharply reduce ATTACK.
Fly 15 90 95 Flies up on the first turn, then strikes the next turn.
Gust 35 40 100 Strikes the foe with a gust of wind whipped up by wings.
Mirror Move 20 -- -- Counters the foe's attack with the same move.
Peck 35 35 100 Attacks the foe with a jabbing beak, etc.
Pluck 20 60 100 Power doubles if foe is holding a berry
Roost 10 -- -- Restores half of max HP
Sky Attack 5 140 90 Searches out weak spots, then strikes the next turn.
Tailwind 30 -- -- User's team raises SPEED for 5 turns
Wing Attack 35 60 100 Strikes the foe with wings spread wide.