Alex was walking down the path, "Well I know they said you can find Sitrus berries somewhere around here, but where" He looked at Eevee asking if he knew, Eevee simply smirked as he looked out in the clearing. "Not even gonna try and help me huh" Eevee let out a small "Ve" and smirked "You think I am weak, well I will show you!" He then looked around and picked through some berries. "Oh hey I found a entire pile of them" There they were a pile of sitrus berries. "I will put these in my bag, ha and I told you I was not weak"
All of a sudden a large fire blast came and smeared across Alex. The entire left side of his body was charred......"Oh boy..." There it was a Giant Typhlosion and a few Quilava and one Cyndiquil. The stood and towered above alex blocking out the sun.
"Its no big guys I did not think these berries were yours...." As soon as Alex said that his bag dropped and out came a pile of Sitrus berries.
The Typhlosion had gotten enraged.
"Lets Go Rocker attack" Eevee chuckled and layed on the ground laughing at his trainers orders. "Eevee seriously we might get burned here" Eevee sighed and then jumped into action. He tackled the head Typhlosion and then stood tall even tho they attack had no effect on Typhlosion. Typhlosion Grinned as it charged a Giant Fire Blast and aimed it at Eevee
HP Typhlosion
- This dice is not existing.
HP Eevee- This dice is not existing.